Thursday, May 29, 2008


Now a days many sim cards avaiable in market . But so many doesn't know ABBREVATION of SIM card and how it operates. SIM->SUBSCRIBER IDENTITY MODULE. it works as follows...When the Mobile starts up, it obtains the IMSI from the SIM card, and passes this to the mobile operator requesting access and authentication. The Mobile Equipment may have to pass a PIN to the SIM card before the SIM card will reveal this information.The operator network searches its database for the incoming IMSI and its associated Ki. The operator network then generates a Random Number (RAND) and signs it with the Ki associated with the IMSI (and stored on the SIM card), computing another number known as Signed Response (SRES_1). The operator network then sends the RAND to the Mobile Equipment, which passes it to the SIM card. The SIM card signs it with its Ki, producing SRES_2 which it gives to the Mobile Equipment along with encryption key Kc. The Mobile Equipment passes SRES_2 on to the operator network.The operator network then compares its computed SRES_1 with the computed SRES_2 that the Mobile Equipment returned. If the two numbers match the SIM is authenticated and the Mobile Equipment is granted access to the operator's network. Kc is used to encrypt all further communications between the Mobile Equipment and the network. IN THIS WAY SIM CARD WILL BE ACTIVATED.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Which is an Object oriented language. Here we have to observe there is a bit difference between Object oriented and object based languages. The difference is Object oriented language support inheritance but object based languages will not support and there are many differences between them. When java cames in to existence it provides Internet facility to use in our programs. This consists of many packages such as IO, Swing ,....................many.........

Monday, May 26, 2008


The basic language to learn for an engineer. And for computer students it is a simple language when they interact with more object oriented languages. C is an structured oriented language. Which was developed by Dennis ritchie in 1972. This is the first statement we will learn when we say about C. We should reveal the secrets of c to learn more about it.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


This is my first paper presentation . To say about this, the name itself saying BIO+METRICS. means life characterstics. By considering human characterstics we will perform the task. Now a days biometrics is using for bank transactions and attendance systems and many. For first time he or she should register by there characterstics and when ever they want to login they have to use there characterstics and system will scan them and produce whether to acess or not. This is little bit about biometrics.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My placement

At first i placed in WIPRO when i heared my name from HR manager i am very happy and it was an excellent memory which i cant forget in my life. but when i hear that again reassesment of wipro will be there , i get tensed and little bit fear but i faced and i didnt sucess. Mean while i attended Accenture which was another memory of my placement life. Finally i selected in accord. which me make me very happy because after completing five rounds i got selected. This is the highest number of rounds i never attended in Engineering